martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

Best reviews for Life Is Today

Well, the Crowd Reviews for the new EP came in yesterday, and they were pretty nice!

Of course there was room for constructive (and destructive) criticism. But for the most part, they were awesome! See some examples below.

Life is today

“Excellent electric guitar parts that made me turn up the volume. It has a catchy chorus, and the "whoa" melody got stuck in my head.”

“I could imagine myself at a concert where this is playing. Everyone is happily bobbing their heads as the sun sets. This gives me very positive emotions.”

“The beginning guitar was edgy and catchy and I found myself swaying the beat from the beginning. Lyrics were meaningful and deep without being predictable or repetitive.”

“This introduction is amazingly awesome. It's so catchy. Love this tune.”

“The instrumens were flawless, impressive, and everything flowed well together. The lyrics are good, touching, and heartwarming to say the least.”

“It gets better and better as the song progresses. I would be happy to listen over and over again.”

When you smile

“The beginning guitar was extremely smooth and hypnotizing. I immediately became interested.”

“It sounds like a summer morning, a day full of adventure waiting in front of you.”

“This song is the type of music you'd listen to on a rainy day or a midnight car ride because it'll make you feel like you're in a movie”

“I like this song very much. It makes me remember that special someone.”
“The opening immediately had my full attention. Then once the artist started singing, I had goose bumps. The melody is one that will stay in your head, and you can't help but sing or hum later on in the day. I feel like it should be better known and that the band deserves more recognition.”

“I felt myself smiling and nodding my head away to this song. Made me kind of happy and feel special, like it was made for me.”

And remember to forget

“The flow is so amazing and I loved it. The style is very creative with several transitions that keep it interesting.”

“The lyrics are incredible and hit home for me.”

“Cool Red Hot Chili Pepper intro that kicks in with a solid vocal. The vocalist has a unique voice that goes hand in hand with the guitars. Great chorus with spot on harmonies.”

“It has a 2000's vibe, like a Blink-182 song.”
“Instruments are splendid and the lyrics are amazing and come perfectly together with the music. This gets a solid 10/10.”
“All around really nice music piece, helped me recall my past and think about the good times with friends and loved ones.”

Esli - Lound

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Entrevista en Onda Cero

Incluso los artistas humildes como yo pueden encontrar pequeños momentos de éxito de vez en cuando. Y sin duda alguna, éste es uno de ellos. El día del lanzamiento del nuevo EP tuve mi primera entrevista en la radio, en Onda Cero.

Hablamos sobre el significado del título del EP, los motivos por los que hago música, cómo compongo, y otros temas muy interesantes. Todo mientras sonaban las canciones de fondo.

Esli - Lound

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

We’re almost there!

The EP will be released July 24th, and the artwork is already done.

Take a look and start getting ready for next Friday.

Esli – Lound

Casi estamos!

El EP saldrá el 24 de Julio, y ya tenemos la portada.

Échale un vistazo y comienza a prepararte para el próximo viernes.

Esli – Lound

martes, 30 de junio de 2015

New EP title and tracklist

I’ve been recording and mixing a lot for the last couple of weeks, and even had the honor to feature some friend’s voices in the new songs. I can finally see it come together, and that’s why I think it’s time to announce the title. Here goes:

Life is today.

I love it when something so simple hides such a powerful message. And yes, I’m aware it’s a concept I already explored (Happening) but it has so much meaning that I know this won’t be the last time I’ll sing about it.

And here’s the tracklist:

-Life is today
-When you smile
-And remember to forget

Wait, that’s it? Am I making a big deal for just three songs? Of course! That’s what happens when you put so much of yourself into something. You end up caring.

More info (cover & release date) soon. Hope you’re half as excited as I am!

Esli – Lound

Título y tracklist del nuevo EP

He estado grabando y mezclando mucho últimamente, y hasta he tenido el honor de incluir las voces de algunos amigos en las nuevas canciones. Por fin veo cómo va cogiendo forma, y por eso creo que es el momento de anunciar el título. Ahí va:

Life is today.

Me encanta cuando algo tan sencillo esconde un mensaje tan potente. Y sí, soy consciente de que es un concepto que he explorado anteriormente (Happening) pero tiene tanto significado que sé que no será la última vez que cante sobre ello. 

Y así se llaman las canciones que incluye:

-Life is today
-When you smile
-And remember to forget

¡¿Eso es todo?! ¿No estoy dándole demasiada importancia a tres míseras canciones? Por supuesto que sí. Eso es lo que ocurre cuando pones tanto de ti mismo en algo. Que te importa.

Más info (portada y fecha de lanzamiento) pronto. Espero que estés al menos la mitad de emocionado que yo!

Esli – Lound

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

New EP coming soon

It’s not easy finding time and inspiration, even for the things we love the most, but sooner or later it just happens. And now I can finally announce that my second EP is coming.

Three new songs that will hopefully be released this summer.

More details soon.

Esli – Lound

Nuevo EP muy pronto

No es fácil encontrar tiempo e inspiración incluso para hacer lo que más nos gusta, pero tarde o temprano ocurre. Y ahora por fin puedo confirmar que mi segundo EP está en marcha.

Tres nuevas canciones que, si todo va bien, saldrán este mismo verano.

Más detalles próximamente.

Esli – Lound 

martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Hi again

I haven’t posted much around here for many reasons. The first, the thought that no one will read this. But the fact that YOU are, already makes it worth it ;)

The second, I’ve been busy figuring some things out. Last year I released my very first piece of music. A 5-song-EP that I crafted with my hands, voice, and soul. That itself has been a dream come true. But (melodrama alert) after the dream came the nightmare, and I have learned a lot since then.

I thought the music was pretty good, so I focused all my energy on trying to get it heard (or even bought). Of course I had no idea of how complicated that was going to be. I’ll be honest, I’ve sold a dozen copies of my album (including my mom). Though I can count by thousands the plays via free online streaming, and that’s something.

I’ve also been very close to some interesting opportunities and made some connections that years ago I would have thought impossible. A guy that worked with Linkin Park listened to Happening and had a positive opinion about it, before adding that “it doesn’t sound like 2015”. Also, I almost got some radioplay both in the U.S. and Spain. Bummer that didn’t work out.

But the best thing that happened to me after release was obtaining mostly great feedback, which is awesome because there’s only one thing better than writing a song: having others enjoy it.

Well, all this just to tell you that I’ve decided to focus my energy on making new music. Because I want to and not because I'm hoping to reach millions of fans. Ok that would be cool too.

More on my new music soon. Meanwhile, here’s the first EP.

Esli - Lound

Hola de nuevo

Click here for English

No he estado escribiendo demasiado por aquí por varias razones. La primera, pensar que nadie va a leer esto. Pero el hecho de que TÚ estés aquí ya hace que merezca la pena ;)

El año pasado publiqué mi primer trocito de música. Un EP de 5 canciones que creé con mis manos, mi voz, y mi alma. Eso en sí mismo ha sido un sueño hecho realidad. Pero (melodrama incoming) después del sueño vino la pesadilla, y he aprendido mucho desde entonces.

Me pareció que el disco era bueno, así que concentré mis esfuerzos en intentar que fuera escuchado, o mejor aún comprado. Por supuesto no tenía ni idea de lo complicado que iba a ser, y entonces vino la primera lección: humildad. Te seré sincero, he vendido una docena de discos (contando a mi madre). Aunque también es cierto que las reproducciones de mis canciones vía streaming gratuito superan el millar. Algo es algo.

Pero el que la sigue la consigue, no? Porque estuve cerca de tener oportunidades interesantes y establecí algunos contactos que años atrás me habrían parecido impensables. Quizás lo más destacado sea que un tipo que trabajó con Linkin Park escuchase Happening y tuviera una opinión sorprendentemente positiva, aunque luego añadiera “pero no suena a 2015”. Además, en dos ocasiones estuve a punto de sonar en la radio, tanto en Estados Unidos como en España. Y ahora que lo pienso, una de mis canciones sí sonó en una emisora de mi Puerto Rico natal.

Hablando de Puerto Rico, todavía sonrío con este titular.

Hay varias cosas que me hacen gracia, pero sin duda alguna lo mejor es el uso del verbo triunfar.

Por lo demás, he obtenido un feedback muy positivo en su mayoría. Y sólo hay una cosa mejor que escribir una canción: que alguien la disfrute. Así que misión cumplida en ese sentido. 

Bueno, todo este rollo para contarte que he decidido concentrar mi energía en hacer más música. Porque quiero y no porque crea que voy a alcanzar a millones de fans. Vale, eso también molaría.

Más sobre mi nueva música “pronto”. Mientras tanto, aquí está el primer EP.

Esli - Lound

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Best reviews for Lound

And by “best”, I mean the ones that I love the most (even though I also like constructive criticism). About 20% of Reverbnation’s Crowd Reviews were between neutral and negative. The rest were all as awesome as the ones below. But just to make things clear, I’m not bragging. It's just a nice reminder that every musician needs: no matter what music you make, there are always going to be people that won’t love it. The goal is to find the ones that do.

“The sounds explode into my ear with awesomeness!”
“Every note melts my heart fully!”
“I've never heard this distinctive sound before”
“I found myself tapping to the beat of the song.”
“meaningful and tuneful lyrics”
“The melody is original and very memorable”
“catchy melody that 's easily stuck in your head”
“hear the soul of punk coming through in this great tune.”
“If I saw this on TV or heard it on the radio I would definitely buy it or look them up
“The intro music really draws you in and gets you into the song”
“it 's fun and it puts me in a good mood”

“I adore the singer's voice”
“It makes me want to rock out so badly”
“Very fun, high powered song”
“I'd download it for sure”
“It 's fun and exciting”
“keeps you on your toes and doesn't get boring”
“lyrics are very heart-warming and inspiring”
“this song blew me away”
“I was totally nodding my head along to this song”
“I will totally be looking these guys up!”
“definitely gets stuck in my head”
“The mixture of meaning and fun balance out very well”
“I would love to listen to this over and over again. The artist painted many pictures in
my mind. It made me feel all warm and cosy”
“I want to find out more about this band and album just from this track”

“I can envision myself taking a slow drive with this song playing loud”
“The instrumental bit about half way through was pure genius”
“I am definitely a fan”
“a band i'd like to hear more from.”
“The singer has a great, pleasing voice”
“First thing I thought was how great this song would be live”
“This was just uplifting and hearing it made my day brighter”
“The lyrics address common themes but in original ways”
“Loved, loved, loved this song! I think this song has the potential to hit pretty big.
Catchy, fun and upbeat”
“The music catches you instantly and pulls you in and the lyrics keep you in”
“Every step of this song is something new and incredible.”
“This is a song you hear when your turning the radio, have no clue as who or what it is,
then by the end of the song you glad that let it play; and then you find yourself wanting
to hear the song again”

“The vocals on this song gave me chills, the singer is obviously singing with a lot of
“This song is simply amazing.”
“Great variation in the melody. It never gets boring.”
“It sounds fun and exciting”
“it made me smile”
“The melody sticks in your head like sticky candy”
“The first time this song is heard the audience will be impressed.”
“The lyrics are breathtaking, inspiring and moving.”
“This band takes your ears through many sounds that you didn't think were possible.”
“The band chose an interesting sound giving the audience something that they are
unable to forget. This band does what it takes to instantly grab attention”
“the vocalist has a voice that is kept me engaged in the song”
“I can see lots of people buying this its really coool.”
“This song starts out good and gets better and better.”

“it makes me feel happy”
“good beat makes me want to move my feet”
“The singer has a great vocal tone and creates a sense of calmness among listeners.”
“Great intro that definitely keeps my attention”
“The vocals are beautiful and the lyrics are very catchy.”
“if the song came on the radio I would definitely turn up the volume.”
“The intro was awesome.”
“This makes me think of a warm summer night and something I would put on
regardless if I had a great night with a girl or had just gotten dumped.”
“This is the type of song I would love to hear on the radio stations and might even call
in to request.”
“I could listen to it over and over.”
“It got me swaying within the first ten seconds”
“Has a happy clappy feel to it that makes me want to hear it a few more times.”
“I already love this song! Great feel, love the guitar and the voice.”
“If I could rate it higher than a 10, I would!”


Pretty nice, huh? I'd give them all a big hug.

Esli - Lound